May Update

Friends & Family,

We (Adam and Kayla) are thrilled to announce that we have been accepted to the Iris Global Pioneer School: June 2 - August 3, 2019.  This school, currently located in South Africa, is designed as a next step for those who are called to international missions and have a strong calling to serve internationally, particularly with Iris Global.  We are so excited and we believe that this is the next step that God has for us in launching into international ministry.

What is Iris Global? Why'd you pick this school?

Iris Global is a ministry started in 1980 by Heidi and Rolland Baker, focusing on reaching out with compassion to the least of these: orphans, widows, and the poor all over the world. Iris began in Mozambique where Heidi and Rolland have been serving orphans and the poor since 1995. They now have missions’ bases in many other African nations, as well as in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Brazil, Mexico, and more.

We have followed what God has been doing with Iris for many years. In 2014 Adam attended the Iris Father’s House School in South Africa (the same time that Kayla was in Thailand with YWAM). It was an incredible experience for him, and he has always wanted to go back to South Africa.  

As we have been praying and seeking God on where He is leading us, we really feel drawn to how much our heart and vision matches that of Iris Global. Their heart for worship and prayer, and focus on caring well for orphans, children at risk, and the poor, is so consistent with the call that God has given us.

Read More about Iris Global

How did God lead you to this point?

This past summer the Lord prompted us to start considering Iris Global. We continued praying and thinking about Iris, from September through the end of the year. In late December while attending the OneThing conference in Kansas City, MO., God spoke very clearly to Adam through a picture God had given him back in 2014 while in South Africa. In the picture, God was handing Adam what he (Adam) knew to be the heart of God the Father. It was a very powerful moment and at the time Adam actually fell asleep before anything else happened. While at OneThing, God reminded Adam of the picture and said “I began the process of giving you the Father’s Heart at Iris and Iris is where I want to complete it.”

What will you be learning and doing at this school?

The leaders and staff will teach on systematic theology, pioneer missions, transcultural ministry, language learning, and leadership. We will live in community during the two months, participate in the weekly local outreaches, and help establish ongoing ministry at the base. 

This training will be so valuable as we move towards what God has for us long-term. At the same time we'll have the opportunity to connect with Iris Global leaders, learn about the different Iris bases around the world, and pursue and pray about what is next. Because there are so many bases and each base has its own unique focus, we don’t know yet where we will be next,  but we are excited to take these steps to find out.

Q U I C K   F A C T S

Footprints Base in South Africa
(near Johannesburg)

June 2nd to August 3rd


US $3,300 tuition (covering room and board, local transportation, and a diet of basic African cuisine) each.

We feel incredibly blessed to be able to tell you that, thanks to many generous gifts to Sons and Daughters International (from many of you!), we are actually already fully funded for this school. 

Thank you so much!

So, what have you two been up to the past couple of years?

Since our graduation from Christ for the Nations in May 2017, our goal has been long-term international missions. We imagined the process being much faster than it has been, but as we look back over the past two years we so clearly see how God has been teaching and preparing us. We have learned so much about who we are and what we are made to do. 

We have been able to be trained in Trauma Competent Care, for caring for children who have experienced trauma (both), CELTA (Teaching English) (Kayla), School of Kingdom Ministry (both), and Inner-healing Prayer through Roots and Branches, where Kayla now volunteers every week.

This past year, Adam has been working for Amazon Delivery and really enjoys the activity and variety it provides. Kayla has been working at Mariemont Elementary in Kindergarten and 1st Grade as an Intervention Specialist Aide. She absolutely loves her job and is learning so much about working with children in an educational setting, particularly children with special needs. Her experience this year will definitely help her as she works with children on the mission field.

So, what's next?

Part of what this school does, and why we are so excited about it, is they connect different Iris ministry bases and their leaders with students whose vision fits with theirs. We believe that God has divine connections He wants to make for us while we’re there, and we are so excited to see what happens. We will be letting you all know as soon as that starts to come together. Practically, we hope to visit a base we feel connected to after the end of our school and make plans to go there long-term.

We will be home in late August and probably for several months this fall, making plans and raising support for a year-long commitment at one of the Iris bases.

If you have questions, or want to hear more of our heart and vision, we would love to grab coffee or set up a time to chat!

With gratitude, 

Adam and Kayla Coupe 
Sons and Daughters International


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“LOVE — It is a small four-letter word that will cost you everything: laying down your life, passion & compassion, giving without expecting, feeling His very heartbeat & surrendering to His rhythm, and following the Lamb wherever He goes.”

- Heidi Baker


July Update