January Update

Friends & Family,

We are back in Thailand! It was not easy, but we made it! We ended up arriving about two weeks after we had originally planned because as we were getting ready to leave we tested positive for covid. Our positive test was actually the test we needed to get on the plane, we had no idea we were sick, although our symptoms developed shortly after. We pretty quickly realized we would need to postpone our trip and that we had a lot of logistics to figure out very quickly, on top of feeling pretty sick. Thankfully with a lot of prayer and rest we got better relatively quickly and were able to work out all the logistics of rescheduling flights, quarantine and everything else. God provided the money to cover the cost of rescheduling our flights in a really special and timely way and we are so grateful!

The next big hurdle was us both getting negative tests so that we could fly back to Thailand. Adam received a negative result quickly, but Kayla was continuing to test positive. We were really wrestling with what we would do if Kayla didn't get a negative test in time for our flight. We could reschedule again, but we were getting later and later in Kayla's pregnancy and feeling unsure whether that would be wise. We cried out to the Lord and surrendered our desires. We prayed that if Bangkok was were we were supposed to have Jubilee, the Lord would provide the negative test for the flight. It was a crazy few days of testing and waiting.

Three days before the flight Kayla tested positive again, we took one more test the next day, but we were losing hope of getting on the plane. Amazingly, it came back negative! In a little bit of shock we packed everything up and got on our plane. Our flight was long but uneventful and we had lots of room to stretch out and sleep. We are so thankful for all of you who prayed. It was a pretty stressful and confusing couple of weeks but we trust that someday we will understand why it all happened that way. We are now on day 7/11 of our quarantine here in Bangkok and doing really well.

We are so thankful for the many gifts we received for baby Jubilee. It made for some very full suitcases!

We are eager to get out of quarantine and begin our search for a house to rent and a car to buy. We are so excited for the ministry opportunities that having a house where we can host people will provide. We are also very excited to get our space set up to welcome baby Jubilee soon! We really feel that this next season is a season of growth and expansion in many ways. Getting a house, growing our family and growing in ministry, relationships and connections. Our friends, who are also with Iris Global, just arrived back in Bangkok a few weeks ago after 18 months of trying to get here and we are so excited connect with them. We are so excited for what Jesus has for us in this year of 2022!

While in the states we took a trip to Red River Gorge with some of our closet friends.

Our time in the USA was wonderful. We got to meet our niece Sophia, and honorary niece Talitha, who were both born shortly after we left last year. One of our highlights was watching Sophia learn how to walk! We soaked up boatloads of family and friend time and enjoyed getting to be with everyone for Christmas. We feel so blessed to have family and friends that love and support us so much. It was so hard to leave everyone, but we are also so thankful to be living out this calling Jesus has put on our life.

We also got to connect with many of our supporters and even gain some new ones. We are so grateful for all of you and the sacrifice you make to support what God is doing here in Thailand. We have been amazed at how God has provided for us and we are full of faith that He will continue to do so.

Our main purpose in returning to the US was to change our visa and all of that went perfectly and we are now officially on our long term volunteer visa. Yay!

30 week bump update!

Adam with our niece Sophia!

Whatsapp Prayer Group:

For anyone who feels called to intercede for us regularly, we have started a prayer chat group on an app called Whatsapp. We will be sending more frequent/real-time prayer requests there. Reach out to us and we will make sure to add you.

Year End Giving Receipts: 

We have sent out the year end giving receipts either by snail mail or email. If you have not received yours or have any questions about it please send an email to sonsanddaughtersint@gmail.com and we will get it to you.

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray that we would have favor and wisdom as we look for a house to rent and a car to buy, that we would get excellent prices and that it would happen in the right timing.

  • Pray for the upcoming arrival of Jubilee Coupe (mid-March), that everything would continue to go smoothly and that Kayla and Jubilee would remain healthy.

  • Pray with us for this next year, that we would grow and expand in everything Jesus has for us.

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (I (Kayla) also try to post my IG stories on Facebook Stories)

Much Love,
Adam and Kayla Coupe


February Update


November Update