July absolutely flew by, the highlight being a wonderful visit from Adam's parents, Bob and Valerie. We so enjoyed introducing them to Jubilee, as well as the beautiful country and people of Thailand. Jubilee loved taking naps on her Papa and being read all the books her Ema brought her. 

Jubilee is doing so well and growing up like crazy. She is laughing and rolling over, putting everything she can get her hands on in her mouth. It's so fun to begin to see her personality emerging. A funny thing about Thai culture: no matter what a baby is wearing the first question they always ask is "boy or girl?". Jubilee can be wearing a pink dress and a bow on her head and they will 100% still ask "boy or girl?". So funny! 

As July came to a close we said sad good-byes to Adam's parents and jumped fully into to preparation for the Evangelism School. We will be helping with outreaches, Adam will be leading worship and Kayla is leading a team doing inner-healing ministry. Our team (us and Lucas and Sara) are also hosting groups of students once a week for discipleship and training time. We are so excited to see more Thai Christians empowered to share their faith with their own people.

We are still studying Thai twice a week and getting lots more exposure to Thai as we continue to make friends and connections. It often feels like two steps forward one step back but its still progress! 

We are looking forward to joining the first ever Gospel Truck event in a city about 4 hours outside of Bangkok(Aug 18th-20th). Please pray with us that many people will come, experience God's presence and make the decision to give their lives to Jesus.   

We would love your prayers over the next few weeks as we fast and seek God on direction and vision for our next steps as an Iris Team here in Thailand. We have long felt that Bangkok would not necessairly be our long term location. We are praying about different opportunities in the North and the South of Thailand. We want to be where Jesus is leading us and we need wisdom and clarity. No matter our location, our vision is to see Thai people coming to know Jesus, being discipled and reaching their own people with the good news of Jesus. Please pray that we would hear clearly and that we would all hear together as a team. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for the students of the Evangelism School, that they would get everything the Lord has for them over the next 10 weeks. 

  • Pray for us in this season of being very busy (in a good way!) that we would be able to find rest and balance. 

  • Pray for the Gospel Truck Crusades-- August 18th-20th. 

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity as we seek the Lord on our next steps. 

Praise Report! We have successfully renewed our visa again without any issues. It was a big task this time around as we had to prepare a 15 page report on the work we are doing. It was a big relief to have it done and get the stamp for another 3 months. 

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop. We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 


