March Update

Friends & Family,

We are excited to share with you all that on Monday, March 21st at 9:31pm ICT, Jubilee Esther made her entrance into the world. She was 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well. We are grateful to our doctor and our doula for their excellent care.

Jubilee is a champion eater and is growing like crazy. She is already 3 weeks old. The days are long but the weeks go by so fast, we are trying to soak up and enjoy every moment of this special season.

We had an excellent experience with our doctor and hospital. We think it so fun that Jubilee's place of birth is Thailand, such a neat part of her story.

Our friends and fellow Iris missionaries, Melissa and Junior and their two girls, came from their city in the northeast of Thailand and stayed for three weeks to help us out. Melissa brought us lots of prepared food for our freezer and came over to hold Jubilee so we could sneak in a nap. It was an incredible blessing and we are so thankful for them and for Lucas and Sara who hosted them and also helped us out so much.

We are adjusting to life as parents and excited to start this new season as a missionary family. We have started having twice weekly prayer and worship times with Lucas and Sara, and are looking forward to the ministry opportunities to come. Pray with us as we seek and explore more of what the Lord has for us here in Thailand in these coming months. We are praying for clear direction, the right timing and continued connections.

Adam is continuing to serve on with the worship team at Neuma Bangkok, our home church here in Thailand. We are also excited about starting a worship and fellowship night and a weekly community outreach time, soon. We are so excited to meet new people and invite them to our worship night, introduce them to Jesus and disciple them. Pray that we are led to the right people.

Adam received his work permit 2 weeks ago which is a big part of our visa process. Our next steps are happening at the end of this month so pray for continued favor.

Our new home has already been such a blessing to us and others as we are adjusting with a newborn and having to space to grow as a family. We have had a few friends over for dinner and look forward to doing this more frequently in the coming months.

Yesterday we took our first(non-appointment) trip out of the house as a family of 3. It may have just been to the grocery store and it was only five minutes down the road but it felt like such a victory and Jubilee did so well.

Prayer Requests: 

  • First of all a praise-for a healthy mom and baby, thank you all for praying for Jubilee's birth.

  • Adam has to travel next week to Chiang Mai for a day for visa related matters. Pray that it goes smoothly and that the visa process continues to go smoothly.

  • Pray for favor and ease with getting Jubilee's passport and documents taken care of.

  • Pray that we would continue to have doors for ministry open and that the Lord would direct us on where He wants us in this season.

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (I (Kayla) also try to post my IG stories on Facebook Stories)

With Much Love,
Adam & Kayla Coupe


April Update


February Update