The month of May was packed full and flew by.  We are studying twice a week with our new Thai Tutor. We call her Kruu (teacher) Toi, she is 67, sassy and thinks Adam is absolutely hilarious (of course). It feels good to get our brains back into language learning mode, but it also is a lot of work. Most of the Thais' coming to our worship night don't speak much, if any, English, so we are really wanting to improve our Thai quickly! 

Our worship nights are continuing and going really well. We are so amazed at how God shows up differently and powerfully each time. No two nights have looked exactly the same and its beautiful to watch our new Thai friends soak in God's presence. 

We are thrilled to be developing deeper friendships with a few of the couples who've been coming. We've had each of them over for dinner and its been so fun. One of the couples, San and Jane, have been saved for just one year, they are recently married and expecting their first baby. They are feeling called to ministry, and trying to figure out what that looks like for them. We are praying for them and encouraging them to follow whatever the Lord is calling them to. 

In Thailand everyone takes off their shoes before going inside. This was from one of our worship nights. So beautiful to see these pairs of shoes representing Thai people who are hungry for the presence of God.

We had a few challenges this month as well. Adam had to return to the immigration office for a stamp for our visa, and we were told Jubilee and I (Kayla) didn't need to be there. But of course, once Adam's ticket number was called and he went up they asked "Where is your wife?" So Jubilee and I hopped in a taxi and drove the hour to the office and got our stamps. Now we are officially okay to stay for another 3 months, yay! 

We also had a bout of Covid, which took us out for about a week. Mostly it felt like a bad cold, so it wasn't so bad, but Jubilee did have a fever for a couple days which was no fun. But we are all recovered now. 

We are still adjusting to the rhythms of family life, but Jubilee is a trooper and does super well while out and about and meeting new people all the time. We are finding our grove and it feels so good. 

So much fun doing life with the Baptista's! 
So thankful to be partnered with such a sweet family.

We are excited for Kayla's sister Grace to visit at the end of June. Her trip will count for her cross culture experience requirement for her degree, what a great two for one!! 

Jubilee had her two month appointment and is doing great! She is still in the 90th percentile for weight and growing more every day! She is smiling and coo-ing all the time and starting to really enjoy when we read to her. She has been such a blessing to our family and everyone who meets her falls in love with her.

Quick Testimony

A few weeks back at one of our worship nights Adam was praying with a young girl who was about 10. As he was praying he saw a picture of Jesus and this girl in a field of flowers dancing together and shared the picture with her. After they had finished praying she asked Adam "How did you know that?". Adam didn't know exactly what she was referring to and said "know what?". She responded "That picture you shared with me, it's the same exact picture as a dream I had a week ago. How did you know?". Adam said back to her "I didn't know that picture, Jesus knew it and shared it me to share with you because He knows and loves you." She was completely perplexed and continued to asked Adam four to five more times "But how did you know?!"

We believe this is such a sweet represantation of Jesus' heart for Thailand. He knows them, He loves them and wants to reveal Himself to them. We feel so honored when we get to partner with Him to bring them into relationship together. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for Lucas and Sara (our teammates) as they prepare for their second babies' arrival in the next few weeks.

  • Pray for San and Jane, our growing friendship and for them to hear from the Lord clearly about what He is calling them to.

  • Pray for more opportunities to introduce people to Jesus. 

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity as we grow our team and ministry. 

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop. We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 




April Update