October Update

Friends & Family

We hope and pray that you are all staying healthy and enjoying the beautiful Fall weather. We love Fall and are doing our best to soak up every bit of it since there are only three seasons in Thailand, hot, cool(-er, not by much) and wet.  

We are doing well. Since we have more time here in the States than we expected we have both been working part time (Adam for Amazon and Kayla at Old Navy) giving us structure in our schedules and some money for the future. We have also been using this season to prepare for Thailand practically and emotionally. We have been taking the Jesus Story Book Bible (an incredible children's Bible) which is also printed in Thai, and creating an ESL program based on it. We have also been studying and reading about witnessing to Buddhists. We so appreciate your prayers for wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit in this area. We know that there is a reason that Thailand has been open to the Gospel for over 200 years, and yet is less than 1% Christian. We know Jesus has that answer and that He has a big incredible plan, we are seeking His heart and leaning in to hear His wisdom as He reveals that plan.

We have been staying apprised of the situation in Thailand and so far Thailand has been doing extremely well regarding COVID. We feel that because they are doing so well, they have been reluctant to allow foreigners back in to the country, understandably. There has been talk of slowly starting to allow specially selected foreigners in this month (October), but most likely still not allowing Americans. We are praying that things will continue to open up and we will have our tourist and education visas lined up and be able to leave in January at the latest. We are so enjoying all the family and friend time we've been having, but we are so so eager and excited to be in Thailand. There is so much the Lord has for the Thai people and we can't wait to see Him move!

We are still working towards building our Support Team, if this is something you feel called to we would love to connect with you. Please reach out to us and we can set up a time. coupe.kayla16@gmail.com


November Update


July Update