March Update

Friends & Family,

We've been having an incredible time on our scouting trip. We have spent the past several weeks in Cambodia and Thailand exploring, making connections and seeking the Lord on where we are supposed to begin our journey as full-time international missionaries. This is just a quick update to share some pictures and highlights of our time so far.

Below are pictures and a few descriptions of our time up to now. 


Our first stop was Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We met with Iris Cambodia and had a wonderful time connecting and hearing about what they are doing. We also visited the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum* and the Killing Fields to learn about and understand the history of Cambodia. It was very sobering but important. 
* a cell in the museum is pictured above on the left


We had fun celebrating Adam's birthday in Phnom Penh with a yummy dinner and a surprising find, Krispy Kreme in Cambodia! 


Our next stop was Battambang, Cambodia. We stayed with the YWAM Base, where Kayla actually stayed for three weeks in 2014 on DTS. We had an incredible time serving with the teams there and learning about how they are doing ministry in Cambodia. We got to join in on ministry to families living in the local dump*, teaching English to children in the slum**, and a university student Bible study. 
*below on the right


Next we made our way to Thailand and met some incredible people. Sara and Lucas* are also with Iris Global and are living in Bangkok as missionaries and are currently learning Thai. They are an incredible resource and we had an wonderful time with them. 


We drove around Bangkok on scooters, it was wild! 


After Bangkok we visited a city called Phitsanulok. The Beckers*, a family that was on Kayla's DTS in 2014, are living there as missionaries with YWAM. We spent a few days with them and played and learned a lot.  


Next we traveled to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand. It was beautiful and we continued to learn about Thailand as we prayed and sought the Lord and what he was speaking. 


Both Cambodia and Thailand are beautiful countries and God is doing so much in each. We felt so blessed to get to spend time in these places and with these people.


We are now in Fortaleza, Brazil* connecting with Jason and Lane and the Iris Fortaleza base. Jason and Lane are our senders/mentors and we will be here until the end of March connecting with them and learning about how the base here runs. 

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support during this time! God is speaking so clearly and we can't wait to share. Look for a video annoucemnent coming soon! 

with much love and excitement,

Adam and Kayla Coupe


May Update


January Update