January Update

Dear Friends and Family, Happy New year!

A Quick Update:

The past several months here in Cincinnati have been an incredible time. Since graduating the Harvest Pioneer School in August, we have had many different opportunities to serve our community right here in our own city.

I (Kayla) spent 4 mornings a week at the Healing Center in Springdale. I taught English to students who were from Mexico, South America, the Middle East and Asia. I also served on the Community Resource Connections team which connects under-resourced individuals with opportunities like job and money coaching, and emergency funding for evictions and utility shut-offs. I learned so much being part of the CRC team that will be valuable as we move forward into our ministry.  A highlight was at the end of each CRC appointment, I got to pray with each guest, so many were incredibly receptive and touched.

I (Adam) had a neat opportunity to spend much of my time prayer walking and ministering in Downtown Cincinnati. Each day looked different, but as Holy Spirit led I prayed for people, handed out care packages to the homeless and walked the streets praying about whatever the Lord put on my heart. It was a special time of learning and experiencing God's heart for the people of our city. 

We also were very blessed to be able to live with our dear friends, Josh and Cassidy, they have been a huge blessing to us and we have learned more about what it means (and how awesome it is!) to live in community.

What's next for Adam and Kayla:

As we move into the New Year we are excited for our next steps toward pioneering a new work with Iris Global. 

We have connected with the couple who will be our ‘senders’. Jason and Lane, who were staff at our school in South Africa, are an incredible couple currently serving as base leaders in Brazil.

The role of our senders is essentially accountability and mentorship. They will be our sounding boards and our coaches as we move toward the dreams God has put in our hearts. We will be spending about 4 weeks with them in Brazil from mid-February to mid-March. This will be primarily a time of connection and relationship building, but also a time of serving and learning alongside the Iris Fortaleza Team. Jason and Lane also feel called to eventually be in Asia, we are excited to connect with them again and deepen our relationship.

The two biggest steps in us being ready to pioneer are establishing relationship with our senders and also finding out where exactly where we want to begin our work. We feel that God is leading us to go on a scouting trip to Asia focused primarily on Cambodia and Thailand. We really believe that as we pray, explore and make connections in these countries God will speak to us and we will know exactly where he wants us. We are so incredibly excited for these next steps. We really feel God moving and we can’t wait to get to Asia and begin the work God has set before us. 

Would you prayerfully consider joining with us through financial partnership?

As full-time international missionaries our financial support will come from our church and community. We strongly believe that God has called us to invite you (our friends and family) into our journey, to partner with us in what God is doing. If you feel that partnering with us financially is something that God may be putting on your heart, we would love connect with you over coffee or on the phone to share more of our heart and vision.  Give us a call or shoot us a text at (513) 668-3237 or email us at sonsanddaughtersint@gmail.com. 

Our goal is to establish a strong base of monthly prayer and financial supporters. This will help us to be sustainable and long lasting as international missionaries. 
You can also check out our 
website to see more about how our giving process works. To get in contact with us click the button below.

Much Love,

Adam and Kayla Coupe 
Sons and Daughters International Inc. 


March Update


July Update