February Update

Friends & Family,

A quick update on the craziness of our past few weeks. When we were just a few days from being finished with our 16 day quarantine we were informed that Adam's second COVID test had come back inconclusive. They asked to have him retested and the next day they called us and said that his test had come back positive. Thankfully Adam had no symptoms and a negative test just a week before in quarantine, so we think it was likely a false positive. Thailand's policy is that if you test positive while in quarantine you must spend 10 days at the hospital in isolated quarantine. Because Kayla was exposed to Adam she was required to quarantine for an additional 14 days (she was able to stay and quarantine at the same location of our original quarantine).


Kayla receiving her third
of five Covid tests we've had
over the last month

This all happened about 11 days ago and yesterday Adam was released from the hospital, praise Jesus. He never showed any symptoms and was treated very well at the hospital but is very happy to be out. Kayla has continued to test negative and will be allowed out on the 12th. We feel so blessed and appreciative of all the prayers for us during this crazy time. We had so many of you reaching out to pray, talk, say happy birthday to Adam and give encouraging words. It was truly incredible. Adam described the feeling as like a cushion around us. We felt so much peace and joy despite the craziness of our circumstances.

Adam's hospital room where he stayed for ten days

We are so glad Adam is out, and that Kayla will be out in a few days on the 12th. We know that this was not a surprise to the Lord and He gave us all the grace and peace we needed to get through it. This has only made us more sure that Thailand is where God wants us and that the enemy is not happy about it. We are jumping into starting our lives in Thailand and the process will have to happen a little different than we planned, but we know we are doing it with Jesus and he will work it all out.

We cannot express how loved we have felt with all the prayers and support over these last couple of weeks. You are all amazing. We are so blessed to have a support team as wonderful as you all. Thank you!

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray that our transition from quarantine life (23 days for Adam and a total of 27 for Kayla) to regular life is smooth.

  • Pray that despite our set backs our visa process would be smooth and timely and that we would find the right apartment at the right time.

  • Pray that Kayla's last few days of quarantine go quickly and that Adam would have grace and favor as he begins the visa process and gets settled in our Airbnb.

Once Adam was released from the hospital he was able to visit Kayla from a distance. He was also able to find her some goldfish snacks on the way which was a huge bonus!

We would love to hear from you and how you are doing, please feel free to send us an email or reach out over social media anytime!

Much love,

Adam and Kayla Coupe
Sons and Daughters International


March Update


January Update