January Update

Friends & Family,

We are in Thailand!! We are so thankful for all the prayers during our travels. Our trip could not have been more seamless, we felt His peace and favor with us through each check point and flight. We actually saw people being turned away at the gate because of paperwork that wasn't in order. God keeps showing us again and again that Thailand is absolutely where he wants us!

We are now in our quarantine hotel and have been settling in well. Jet lag has had us up around 5am each morning, so the days are feeling long but we are finding things to do. So far we have watched movies (Kayla watched Cast Away for the first time, an apt movie for quarantine if there ever was one!), exercised, spent lots of time in worship and prayer for this new season, FaceTimed family and tried to make our hotel room feel a little like home. We appreciate prayers for continued peace and grace for our remaining time in quarantine.

We finish quarantine at the end of the month, and at that time we will begin the process of switching from tourist visas to education visas, starting language school and finding an apartment. All big hurdles, but we feel confident that all of this will come together in the exact right way and timing. Jesus has gotten us this far and he has made it so clear that we are right where he wants us. We are excited to see how he does it!

Good news on Thailand opening up, it sounds like the two other couples from Iris will soon be able to get into Thailand on their visas. We are excited to reconnect with them!

Prayer Requests :

  • Please pray that we would be able to continue processing emotions and feelings surrounding our move and all that it entails. We are so excited to be here but it is an enormous transition and we want to do it well.

  • Pray that our time in quarantine would continue to be smooth with continued negative COVID tests.

  • Pray that we would have wisdom and direction as we take the next steps with our visas, apartment and language learning.

We would love to hear from you and how you are doing, please feel free to send us an email or reach out over social media anytime!

  • Financial Partners
    Having monthly financial support helps us to be sustainable and able to do things like create a budget and plan for the future as well as finance our ministry.

  • Prayer Partners
    We firmly believe that having prayer partners is powerful and vital part of us being successful and staying long term on the mission field.

Much love,
Adam and Kayla Coupe


February Update


November Update