It has been a wildly busy but incredible month. We are at a new level with Jubilee (and Evie) as they are now crawling all over the place and getting into everything. So fun and also crazy!

It has been incredible to work alongside Josh and Cassidy as they bring their gifting for evangelism and discipleship to our lives here. One time Josh and I (Kayla) had a chance to minister together (his boldness and my Thai) to pray for a guy we came across at the mall that obviously needed healing. He was on crutches and when we offered prayer he seemed open and interested but said that he was Buddhist. We said "No worries, Jesus can still heal you and we'd love to pray!" He accepted prayer and said that his knee was much easier to move and felt better after we prayed. Josh got his contact and we pray that we are able to further share Jesus with him.  

Last week the students of the School of Evangelism (a school we staffed) graduated. It was a super sweet celebration and encouraging to see so many Thai people ready to go out into the nation sharing Jesus.

One of the students, a young man, that I facilitated an inner healing prayer appointment with came up to me and said "Thank you so much, that time of prayer changed my life, my whole life!" There is such a need for emotional healing and discipleship among these new believers and its such a joy to be a part of bringing that to them. I had the privilege of praying with 20 of the students and saw each one experience the presence of Jesus and receive healing in their hearts. I'm excited to see how the Lord continues to use this ministry.

Pearls of Thailand

Pearls of Thailand now has a team of 7 (all Thai except me and Sara) and we are already finding girls from the red light district who are receiving Jesus, meeting with our team regularly and wanting to leave prostitution. We are making progress towards being ready to start teaching the sewing classes, English classes and discipleship. Just yesterday we received the money needed to begin renting a house to host the project for the women who are wanting to leave prostitution and learn about Jesus. If you feel the Lord leading you to support this project let me know and we can connect and share more. 


Josh and Cassidy were trained in DMM (Disciple Making Movements) through YWAM and have seen incredible fruit from it in various countries including the US. It focuses on sharing Jesus naturally with people you encounter in you day to day life and then following up, spending time with them, sharing stories about Jesus and befriending them. Adam and I are eager to learn from Josh and Cassidy and use this method to reach Thai people. Kayla and Cassidy are already meeting with two young women who are interested in being discipled and learning about how to disciple others. We are also actively going out and trying to make connections with people that have never heard of Jesus so we can follow up and share stories about Jesus with them. We are super excited about how Jesus wants to use us to reach the unreached here in Bangkok. 

Next Steps

After prayer, fasting and consulting with mentors and leaders, we have decided to stay in Bangkok for another year, growing our team and continuing to work with our connections here. We will continue to pray and explore what God has for us as far as going to the south of Thailand, but at least for the next year we will be in Bangkok focusing on discipleship. We are really excited to be dreaming and planning for what the year will hold and we appreciated your prayers for that as well. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for provision for the Pearls of Thailand project, both financial and volunteers. 

  • Pray for us as a team as we are beginning a season of exponential growth. We want to grow healthy and strong from the start.  

  • Pray for direction and clarity about the next season.                        

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop. We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 


