Josh, Cassidy and Evie are here!! 

 In just under a week of them being here we have already seen Jesus move in so many amazing ways. We are very excited for all God has for this season of us living, working and learning alongside each other.

Inner Healing Prayer

This month and last, Kayla has been facilitating inner healing sessions for the School of Evangelism students. It has been incredible to see Jesus bring profound freedom and deep healing to the hearts of the students. Many have layers of trauma complicated by a lot of negative spiritual practice and involvement. Many feel so burdened that they are stuck emotionally, physically and spiritually. After praying and allowing Jesus to minister to their hearts, each one has walked away going on about how much lighter they feel and how at peace they are. Jesus is lifting burdens and filling them with His presence. 

Pearls of Thailand

Our friend and teammate Sara has had a vision and dream to begin a project called Pearls of Thailand. The project will reach, disciple and support women working in the Red Light districts of Thailand. Over the last month, the Lord has assembled an incredible team of Thai women who are passionate about the vision. So Pearls of Thailand is born!  We are meeting weekly as a team, praying and planning and doing weekly outreaches to Red Light areas. Our goal is to find women who are ready to leave the sex industry, disciple them and teach them sewing skills. God is clearly in this and things are happening really quickly, which is super exciting. Please pray that we would continue to have wisdom and provision. 

Hearing God's Voice

A couple weeks ago I (Adam) was at a college university doing outreach. A young christian girl asked me how I had know I was supposed to be a missionary. I shared some of our story with her and about how God had given both Kayla and me a picture about moving to Thailand, and how that was one of the main ways we knew we were called to Thailand specifically. 

She wanted to know more about how we could have a picture in our mind about something God was speaking to us.
She asked "How do I know the difference between my imagination and God's voice? If I want to think of an apple.. I can see an apple. That's not from God, thats from me."
I replied "Yes, thats true. And if I say pink elephant what do you see?"
She said "A pink elephant.." 
I then started to explain that we don't just have imaginations for the joy of thinking of apples and elephants but that God actually gave us our imaginations with the intention of speaking to us through them. 
She shared with me that she had actually spent time in prayer asking God for a picture and crying and begging for Him to speak to her but she had never heard His voice. We talked a little more about how one of the main ways that God speaks to us is through the Bible and we can use it to hear His voice every day. 

After a moment she sheepishly began  "One time when I was praying, I did have a picture, but I know that its so strange and definitely wasn't from God. It was just from my own imagination" 
I was intrigued and asked "Would you share it with me, even if it was you, I would love to hear what you saw."
She agreed but reiterated that it was strange and definitely not God. 
"Well.. I saw this picture of God sitting in a chair and he was just sitting there knitting.."  

Psalm 139:13 immediately came to my mind and I knew the Lord was excited for her to see this verse. 

I replied "Well you know, there is actually a verse in the Bible that talks about God knitting." "Really..?" She asked incredulously. 
I grabbed my phone and pulled it up and showed her,  "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb."
She jumped to her feet and shouted "No way! Thats crazy! God knits?!" 

It was a really powerful moment for her and in that moment she began to believe that God does actually speak to her. She began to know that sometimes that strange picture in our mind is actually God whispering "I see you, I love you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made."

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for provision for the Pearls of Thailand project, both financial and volunteers. 

  • Pray for us as a team as we are beginning a season of exponential growth. We want to grow healthy and strong from the start.  

  • Pray for direction and clarity about the next season.                        

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop. We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 


